indian cinema heritage foundation

Aap To Aise Na The (1980)

  • Release Date05/12/1980
  • GenreRomance, Drama, Family
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time145 mins
  • Length4239.26 meters
  • Number of Reels17 reels
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-94979-MUM
  • Certificate Date29/11/1980
  • Shooting LocationMehboob Studios

The supreme bonds of friendship and companionship which surpass all other worldly bonds is a rare phenomenon in the world of to-day which is ridden by gross and base considerations. The true friendship is built on the solid foundation of Love, Sacrifice, Devotion and Faith, flames of which can never be extinguished by the torrents of Dark & Evil Forces. "AAP TO AISE NA THE" unfolds the poignant  and heart-rending tale of true and noble friendship which surpasses all hurdles and misunderstandings created by the worldly ambitious and ignoble forces who are out to grab any given opportunity by hook or crook to serve their evil designs.

The victims of these horrible manipulations are the pure and innocent souls, each having set values and goals of life which are indeed sublime and noble. But the mighty and powerful hands of evil forces change their otherwise happy life into one of misery and torture. The evil forces meet their imminent waterloo and there is inevitable triumph of Love, Sacrifice, Truth and Devotion.

"AAP TO AISE NA THE" is replete with poignant sentiments of Love, Faith and Sacrifice interspersed with breezy comic situations and breath-taking visuals. It is embellished with powerful and memorable performances by the leading Artists and is adorned with hauntingly melodious and spell-binding Music which is bound to take one and all into delirious raptures which will be long remembered. In short "AAP TO AISE NA THE" embodies high voltage drama with breath-taking visuals, breezy entertainment and melodious Music.

(From the official press booklet)



Films by the same director